
Technology to Blast Iron and Sulphur

Solves Common Water Problems:


  • Multi-media Bed
  • Fully Automatic
  • Self Diagnostic
  • Quiet Operation
  • Septic Bed Safe
  • Energy Efficient

Superior Water Treatment – To Every Tap in Your Home!

Our revolutionary IronBlaster system reduces water, Iron and Hydrogen Sulfide from your water by way of specialized filter media and an Ozone Generator.

Call us now on 902.861.3684 or toll free 1.866.999.3684


Is ozone safe?

Yes. Ozone is naturally occurring in our atmosphere. It protects us from harmful UV rays emitted from the sun. Ozone was first discovered in the late 1700’s. Ozone has been readily studied, so a great deal is known about it. Its’ ability to neutralize or sterilize water was later discovered. Ozone can naturally be used to destroy bacteria, viruses and odours in water.

What is ozone?

Ozone is simply oxygen with an extra atom. (O3) Because Ozone has an extra atom it is extremely reactive when exposed to other elements/chemicals. Ozone likes to attach itself to other molecules like those found in bacteria or viruses. When Ozone makes contact with them their chemical structure is altered. This process is called Oxidation.

Does ozone remain in my water?

No. As soon as Ozone is dispensed it begins to revert back to oxygen. When Ozone (O3) is introduced to your water it attaches itself to any bacteria or virus molecule and “passes” on its extra atom (oxidation). Once this has occurred Ozone has only 2 atoms remaining, turning it back into (O2) Oxygen!

Is it environmentally responsible?

Yes! Disinfection without use of any chemicals. Your IRONBLASTER™ ozone system prevents any bacterial build up when treating raw water, that may contain bacteria or undesirable contaminants. This is also why the IRONBLASTER™ is safe for use in septic beds.

Note: Ozone is effective for Bacteria but the IRONBLASTER is not to be a sole source of disinfection .


  • Low Maintenance
  • Septic System Safe
  • Improves Taste
  • Removes Odour
  • Power to Disinfect
  • No Chemicals Used
  • No Injection Pump
  • 12 volt DC power

Removes / Reduces

  • Iron
  • Sulphur
  • Organic Smell
  • Iron Bacteria
  • Manganese
  • Sulphur Reducing Bacteria

Let Us Solve Your Water Problems

Start with a water test!

The water you consume, wash in and clean with is a complicated mix of elements.  Envirowater Technologies has been providing complete water solutions for home owners and businesses in Nova Scotia since 2006.  We offer water testing and will advise you on the best possible system for your water needs.


  • ... not having to deal with adding chemicals is a big plus.

    Larry & Mary Ann
  • I will be recommending your company to everyone who asks and have already told three of my coworkers how great the equipment is and how wonderful the service was. Please give John and Jonathan a huge thank you for us.

    Tasha & Bruce
  • The water quality has improved significantly, especially the RO water.

    Soong and Ming
  • System fully restored to previous output. Very satisfied.

    Ruby & Cory
  • Excellent. Clearer, no iron taste.

    Kristie & Barry
  • The benefits of your water treatment system are many.

    Cliffe and Claire
Contact Envirowater

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